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Proficiently Handling Employment Litigation In Computer And Other High-Tech Industries

Computerlaw Group LLP, handles a wide variety of employment litigation and disputes on behalf of either the employee or the employer.

Our Palo Alto employment litigation and dispute lawyers are available to provide advice and legal representation on many employment-related disputes relating to intellectual property rights, compensation, and severance agreements:

  • Intellectual property rights: We are frequently called upon to interpret and litigate intellectual property rights: the basic question of who owns the rights to a process or a piece of software or hardware.
  • Compensation and stock option disputes: It is common practice in the computer and Internet technology industries for stock options to be offered as part of a compensation package. Computerlaw Group LLP‘s, attorneys are available to advise and represent both employees or employers in disputes that arise over compensation packages and offers of stock options.
  • Severance: Leaving a high-tech company carries with it many special concerns, often relating to both parties’ desires to protect any intellectual property rights they may have. We write and evaluate nondisclosure agreements, and our law firm represents both employers and employees in negotiations over severance packages.

Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Rights Attorneys Offering A Broad Perspective On Employment Disputes

We approach employment litigation and disputes the same way we handle any concern of our computer or other high-tech industry clients. Our attorneys always look at a client’s particular concern with an eye toward long-term business or professional goals. For instance, Jack Russo handles complex employment litigation matters involving intellectual property issues and other sensitive situations.

When you turn to Computerlaw Group LLP, for advice or representation in an employment-related dispute, you will receive more than professional and effective advice on your immediate problem. Your lawyers will discuss with you your long-term business and professional goals and craft a dispute resolution strategy that will help you pursue those goals in the future.

Every Case Tells A Story ®

The best time to obtain legal advice about an employment dispute is before the conflict reaches the lawsuit stage. If you are concerned about a possible employer-employee dispute over stock options, compensation agreements, severance, or some other issue, we encourage you to take prompt action. Schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers. Call 650-327-9800 or send us an email.

Computerlaw Group LLP: Serving California, Florida, DC, New York, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.